- vagrant
- пал. странствующий, блуждающий, бродячий
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Vagrant — Records Fundación 1991 Fundador(es) Rich Egan y Jon Cohen Distribuidor Fontana Distribution Género(s) Post hardcore, punk rock, emo, metalcore, rock … Wikipedia Español
Vagrant — Records ist ein US amerikanisches Plattenlabel, das sich insbesondere auf Musiker aus den Bereichen Punk und Emo bzw. Emocore spezialisiert hat. Gegründet wurde es 1992 vom Face to Face Manager Rich Egan und seinem Freund Jon Cohen in Hollywood,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
vagrant — va·grant / vā grənt/ n [Anglo French wagerant vageraunt, from present participle of vagrer walcrer to wander about, drift, probably from Old Norse valka to roll, wallow]: one who has no established residence and wanders about without lawful or… … Law dictionary
Vagrant — Va grant, a. [Probably fr. OF. waucrant, wacrant, p. p. of waucrer, wacrer, walcrer, to wander (probably of Teutonic origin), but influenced by F. vagant, p. pr. of vaguer to stray, L. vagari. Cf. {Vagary}.] [1913 Webster] 1. Moving without… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vagrant — [vā′grənt] n. [ME vagraunt, prob. < Anglo Fr wacrant, walcrant < OFr walcrer, to wander < Frank * walken (see WALK): infl. prob. by L vagari, to wander] 1. a person who wanders from place to place or lives a wandering life; rover 2. one… … English World dictionary
vagrant — n *vagabond, truant, tramp, hobo, bum Analogous words: wanderer, roamer, rover (see corresponding verbs at WANDER) vagrant adj *itinerant, peripatetic, ambulatory, ambulant, nomadic Analogous words: moving, shifting (see MOVE vb): wandering,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
vagrant — ► NOUN 1) a person without a home or job. 2) archaic a wanderer. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or living like a vagrant; wandering. DERIVATIVES vagrancy noun. ORIGIN from Old French vagarant wandering about , from vagrer wander … English terms dictionary
Vagrant — Va grant, n. One who strolls from place to place; one who has no settled habitation; an idle wanderer; a sturdy beggar; an incorrigible rogue; a vagabond. [1913 Webster] Vagrants and outlaws shall offend thy view. Prior. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
vagrant — (n.) mid 15c., perhaps an alteration (by influence of L. vagari wander ) of Anglo Fr. wacrant, noun use of prp. of O.Fr. wacrer to walk or wander, from a Germanic source (e.g. O.N. valka wander ). The adjective is recorded from early 15c … Etymology dictionary
vagrant — [n] person with no permanent home and often with no means of support drifter, floater, homeless person, itinerant, rolling stone*, street person, transient, wanderer; concept 423 … New thesaurus
vagrant — vagrantly, adv. vagrantness, n. /vay greuhnt/, n. 1. a person who wanders about idly and has no permanent home or employment; vagabond; tramp. 2. Law. an idle person without visible means of support, as a tramp or beggar. 3. a person who wanders… … Universalium