- undersea
- подводный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
UNDERSEA — Latine Interlacus, oppidul. Helvetiae, ad dextrum Arolam, in Argovia. Olim sub Nobilibus Riediis et Oberhoviis, postea in Habspurgiorum et Austriorum familiam transiit. Occupatum tandem, bellô Sempacensi, A. C. 1387. a Bernatibus, illis etiamnum… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
undersea — 1610s, from UNDER (Cf. under) + SEA (Cf. sea) … Etymology dictionary
undersea — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ relating to or situated below the sea or the surface of the sea … English terms dictionary
undersea — [un′dər sē΄; ] for adv., usually [ un΄dər sē′] adj., adv. beneath the surface of the sea: also underseas adv … English World dictionary
undersea — I. adjective Date: 1613 1. being or carried on under the sea or under the surface of the sea < undersea oil deposits > < undersea fighting > 2. designed for use under the surface of the sea < an undersea fleet > II. adverb or … New Collegiate Dictionary
undersea — [[t]ʌ̱ndə(r)siː[/t]] ADJ: ADJ n Undersea things or activities exist or happen below the surface of the sea. ...an undersea pipeline running to Europe. ...undersea exploration … English dictionary
undersea — /un deuhr see /, adj. 1. located, carried on, or used under the surface of the sea: undersea life. adv. 2. underseas. [1605 15; UNDER + SEA] * * * … Universalium
undersea — adj. Undersea is used with these nouns: ↑earthquake, ↑volcano … Collocations dictionary
undersea — un|der|sea [ˈʌndəsi: US ər ] adj [only before noun] happening or existing below the surface of the sea ▪ undersea exploration … Dictionary of contemporary English
undersea — adjective (only before noun) happening or existing below the surface of the sea: undersea exploration … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
Undersea Super Train: Marine Express — The cover for the Japanese VHS release of Undersea Super Train: Marine Express from VAP video. 海底超特急 マリン・エクスプレス (Kaitei Choutokkyuu Marine Exp … Wikipedia