- tropholytic
- литотрофный (о более глубокой части озера, в которой вещество имеет тенденцию к диссимиляции)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
tropholytic zone — tropholytic layer … Dictionary of ichthyology
tropholytic — troph·o·lyt·ic … English syllables
tropholytic — |träfə|lid.ik adjective Etymology: troph + lytic : of, relating to, or being the deeper part of a lake in which dissimilation of organic matter tends to predominate compare trophogenic … Useful english dictionary
tropholytic layer — the deep zone of a lake where food is used faster than it can be produced … Dictionary of ichthyology
oxygen-poor layer — tropholytic layer (the deep zone of a lake where food is used faster than it can be produced) … Dictionary of ichthyology
inland water ecosystem — ▪ biology Introduction complex of living organisms in free water on continental landmasses. Inland waters represent parts of the biosphere within which marked biological diversity, complex biogeochemical pathways, and an array of… … Universalium