- transmissometer
- трансмиссометр (прибор для измерения мутности воды)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Transmissometer — an einer Start und Landebahn Ein Transmissometer ist ein optisches Messgerät zur Bestimmung einer Staub oder Gaskonzentration. Messprinzip Dabei wird ein Messvolumen von einem Lichtstrahl durchleuchtet. Die Dämpfung des Lichtes ist ein Maß für… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Transmissometer — A transmissometer is an instrument for measuring the extinction coefficient of the atmosphere, and for the determination of visual range. It operates by sending a narrow, collimated beam of energy (usually a laser) through the propagation medium … Wikipedia
transmissometer — An apparatus used to determine visibility by measuring the transmission of light through the atmosphere. It is the measurement source for determining runway visual range (RVR) and runway visibility value (RVV). A RVR system consists of a… … Aviation dictionary
transmissometer — noun Date: circa 1931 an instrument for measuring the transmission of light through a fluid (as the atmosphere) … New Collegiate Dictionary
transmissometer — /trans meuh som i teuhr, tranz /, n. Meteorol. an instrument for measuring visibility or the transmission of light in the atmosphere. Also called hazemeter, transmittance meter. [1930 35; TRANSMISS(ION) + O + METER] * * * … Universalium
transmissometer — noun An optical instrument used to measure the transmission of light through a material See Also: transmissometric, transmissometry … Wiktionary
Transmissometer — Trans|mis|so|me|ter das; s, <zu 1↑...meter> Gerät zur Messung der Transmission der Atmosphäre, das vor allem zur Ermittlung der Sichtweite auf Flughäfen eingesetzt wird … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
transmissometer — instrument for measuring transmission of light through a fluid Scientific Instruments … Phrontistery dictionary
transmissometer — trans·mis·som·e·ter … English syllables
transmissometer — ˈsäməd.ə(r) noun Etymology: transmission + o + meter : a photometer or other instrument used for measuring transmission; specifically : an instrument that measures the visibility or the capability of the air to transmit light … Useful english dictionary
runway visual range — The maximum distance in the direction of takeoff or landing at which the runway, or specified lights or markers delineating it, can be seen from a position above a specified point on its centerline at a height corresponding to the average eye… … Aviation dictionary