- transformism
- трансформизм (теория, согласно которой формирование гранита происходит в процессе гранитизации; противоположна теории магматизма)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
transformism — TRANSFORMÍSM s.n. Concepţie biologică după care speciile de vegetale şi animale se află într un continuu proces de transformare; evoluţionism. – Din fr. transformisme. Trimis de ionel bufu, 28.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 TRANSFORMÍSM s. v. darwinism … Dicționar Român
Transformism — Trans*form ism, n. [F. transformisme.] (Biol.) The hypothesis, or doctrine, that living beings have originated by the modification of some other previously existing forms of living matter; opposed to abiogenesis. Huxley. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
transformism — noun a) the doctrine that living organisms have evolved from previously existing forms of living matter b) any particular version of the doctrine of transformism Ant: abiogenesis … Wiktionary
transformism — ȯ(r)ˌmizəm noun ( s) Etymology: French transformisme, from transformer to transform (from Latin transformare) + isme ism : evolution 5b regarded transf … Useful english dictionary
transformism — /trans fawr miz euhm/, n. Biol. 1. the doctrine of gradual transformation of one species into another by descent with modification through many generations. 2. such transformation itself. 3. any doctrine or instance of evolution. [1875 80;… … Universalium
transformísm — s. n. (sil. mf. trans ) … Romanian orthography
transformism — trans·form·ism … English syllables
transformism — /trænsˈfɔmɪzəm/ (say trans fawmizuhm) noun Biology 1. the doctrine of gradual transformation of one species into another by descent with modification through many generations. 2. such transformation itself. 3. any doctrine or instance of… …
transformist — TRANSFORMÍST, Ă, transformişti, ste, s.m., adj. 1. s.m. Adept al transformismului. 2. adj. Care aparţine transformismului, privitor la transformism. – Din fr. transformiste. . Trimis de ionel bufu, 28.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 TRANSFORMÍST adj., s … Dicționar Român
transformist — 1. noun a believer or follower of transformism 2. adjective of, or relating to transformism … Wiktionary
evoluţionism — EVOLUŢIONÍSM s.n. 1. Concepţie filozofică potrivit căreia Universul, Pământul, fiinţele vii, societatea etc. trec printr un proces istoric de evoluţie (dezvoltare) şi sunt privite din punctul de vedere al acestei dezvoltări. 2. (În sens restrâns) … Dicționar Român