- trafficability
- инж. геол. пригодность (грунта или почвы) для движения (напр. транспорта)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Trafficability — is the ability of a given vehicle to traverse a specified terrain. This metric has demonstrated its value in a variety of fields ranging from military to civilian planning. References … Wikipedia
trafficability — ˌtrafikəˈbiləd.ē noun 1. : the quality of a terrain to permit passage (as of vehicles and troops) areas of low trafficability and … beaches with steep gradients J.F.Shaw 2. : the ability of a military force to move over a terrain our failure to… … Useful english dictionary
trafficability — pravažumas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Vietovės galimybė praleisti transporto srautą. Jis reiškia per šią vietovę galimo nuolatinio visokių rūšių transporto priemonių judėjimo mastą. atitikmenys: angl. trafficability pranc. aptitude à la… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
trafficability performance — telefoninė pralaida statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. trafficability performance vok. Telefondurchsatzleistung, f; Verkehrsleistung, f rus. телефонная пропускная способность, f pranc. capacité d écoulement du trafic, f;… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
trafficability performance — ryšių tinklo pralaida statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: angl. traffic capacity; traffic through put; trafficability performance vok. Verkehrsdurchsatzleistung, f; Verkehrsleistung, f rus. пропускная способность сети связи, f pranc.… … Automatikos terminų žodynas
trafficability — Capability of terrain to bear traffic. It refers to the extent to which the terrain will permit continued movement of any or all types of traffic … Military dictionary
trafficability — noun Date: 1899 the quality of a terrain that permits passage (as of vehicles and troops) • trafficable adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
trafficability — /traf i keuh bil i tee/, n. 1. the condition of soil or terrain with regard to its being traveled over, as by people, vehicles, or machinery. 2. the skill of maneuvering over a terrain. [1895 1900; TRAFFICABLE + ITY] * * * … Universalium
trafficability — noun A vehicles ability to traverse a specified terrain. See Also: trafficable … Wiktionary
trafficability — traf·fic·abil·i·ty … English syllables
Special reconnaissance — This article is a subset article under Human Intelligence. For a complete hierarchical list of articles, see the intelligence cycle management hierarchy. Special Reconnaissance (SR) is conducted by small units of highly trained military personnel … Wikipedia