- tracheophytes
- палеобот. трахеофиты, трахейные сосудистые растения
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
phylogeny — phylogenetic /fuy leuh jeuh net ik/, phylogenetical, phylogenic, adj. phylogenetically, adv. phylogenist, n. /fuy loj euh nee/, n. 1. the development or evolution of a particular group of organisms. 2. the evolutionary history of a group of… … Universalium
Embryophyte — Land plants Temporal range: Late Silurian–Recent[1][2] (Spores from Dapingian (early Middle Ordovician) … Wikipedia
Evolutionary history of plants — Plants have evolved through increasing levels of complexity, from the earliest algal mats, through bryophytes, lycopods, ferns and gymnosperms to the complex angiosperms of today. While the simple plants continue to thrive, especially in the… … Wikipedia
Histoire évolutive des végétaux — Diversité des plantes modernes. Les végétaux ont évolué en atteignant des niveaux croissants de complexité, depuis les premières algues, en passant par les bryophytes, les lycopodes et les fougères, jusqu aux complexes gymnospermes et angios … Wikipédia en Français
plant — plantable, adj. plantless, adj. plantlike, adj. /plant, plahnt/, n. 1. any member of the kingdom Plantae, comprising multicellular organisms that typically produce their own food from inorganic matter by the process of photosynthesis and that… … Universalium
BRYOPHYTES — On rassemble sous le nom de Bryophytes ou Bryopsida ou, plus communément, Muscinées, plus de 25 000 espèces végétales (Anthocérotales, Hépatiques, Mousses et Sphaignes), toutes chlorophylliennes, vivant sur le sol, sur l’humus des forêts, sur… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Tracheobionta — Feuille de bananier … Wikipédia en Français
Plant — For other uses, see Plant (disambiguation). Plants Temporal range: Early Cambrian to recent, but see text, 520–0 Ma … Wikipedia
Vascular plant — Vascular Plants Temporal range: Mid Silurian [1] Recent Scientific classification Kingdom … Wikipedia
Euphyllophytina — Taxobox name = Euphyllophytina regnum = Plantae divisio = TracheophytaEuphyllophytina is an unranked taxon within the tracheophytes. It is sister to subdivision Lycopodiophyta. Euphyllophytina contains the two groups Spermatophytes (seed plants)… … Wikipedia
Horneophyton — taxobox fossil range=Silurian DevonianVerify source|date=January 2008 regnum = Plantae divisio = unassigned classis = Horneophytopsida genus= Horneophyton genus authority = Kidston Lang 1920 emend. Barghoorn Darrah 1938 species = H. lignieri… … Wikipedia