- topographic
- топографический
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Topographic — Top o*graph ic, a. Topographical Top o*graph ic*al, [Cf. F. topographique.] Of or pertaining to topography; descriptive of a place. {Top o*graph ic*al*ly}, adv. [1913 Webster] {Topographical map}. See under {Cadastral}. Topographical surveying.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
topographic — adjective Date: 1632 of, relating to, or concerned with topography < topographic maps > … New Collegiate Dictionary
topographic — adj. Topographic is used with these nouns: ↑map … Collocations dictionary
topographic — topography ► NOUN 1) the arrangement of the natural and artificial physical features of an area. 2) a detailed description or representation on a map of such features. DERIVATIVES topographer noun topographic adjective topographical adjective.… … English terms dictionary
topographic — adjective concerned with topography a topographical engineer a topographical survey topographic maps • Syn: ↑topographical • Pertains to noun: ↑topography, ↑topography ( … Useful english dictionary
Topographic Relations of Philip II — Topographic Relations of the towns from Spain, made under the command of Philip II is the name which commonly is known the statistical work supported and encouraged by Philip II of Spain to offer a detailed description of all the settlements of… … Wikipedia
topographic anatomy — n REGIONAL ANATOMY * * * the study of parts in their relation to surrounding parts … Medical dictionary
Topographic map — A topographic map with contour lines … Wikipedia
Topographic prominence — Prominence redirects here. For other uses, see Prominence (disambiguation). In topography, prominence, also known as autonomous height, relative height, shoulder drop (in North America), or prime factor (in Europe), categorizes the height of the… … Wikipedia
Topographic isolation — The topographic isolation of a summit is the minimum horizontal (great circle) distance to the nearest point of higher elevation. Topographic isolation represents a radius of dominance in which the summit is the highest point. Topographic… … Wikipedia
Topographic Abney Level — A Topographic Abney Level is an instrument used in surveying which consists of a fixed sighting tube, a movable spirit level that is connected to a pointing arm, and a protractor scale. The Topographic Abney Level is an easy to use, relatively… … Wikipedia