- adoral zone
приротовая зона
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
adoral zone of membranelles — an area of serially arranged membranelles (three or more) along the left side of the oral area, typically in a buccal cavity or peristome, in ciliate protozoa … Medical dictionary
adoral — ⇒ADORAL, ALE, AUX, adj. ZOOL. [Se dit de la frange de cils vibratiles de certains infusoires] Qui se trouve près de la bouche : • 1. Cette fente péristoniale devient un des traits caractéristiques des Infusoires les plus élevés où l un de ses… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Spirotrich — Taxobox | color = khaki name = Spirotrichs image caption = Euplotes, a spirotrich domain = Eukaryota unranked phylum = Alveolata phylum = Ciliophora classis = Spirotrichea classis authority = Bütschli 1889 subdivision ranks = Typical sublasses… … Wikipedia
Heterotrich — Taxobox name = Heterotrichs image width = 200px image caption = Stentor roeseli domain = Eukaryota regnum = Chromalveolata superphylum = Alveolata phylum = Ciliophora classis = Heterotrichea classis authority = Stein 1859 subdivision ranks =… … Wikipedia
Membranelle — Membranelles (also membranellae) are structures found around the mouth, or cytostome, in ciliate protists. They are typically arranged in series, to form an adoral zone of membranelles, or AZM, on the left side of the buccal cavity (peristome).… … Wikipedia
spirotrich — noun Any of a large and distinctive group of ciliate protozoa, typically with prominent oral cilia in the form of a series of polykinetids, called the adoral zone of membranelles, beginning anterior to the oral cavity and running down to the left … Wiktionary
peristome — A groove leading from the cytostome in ciliates and certain other forms of protozoa. SYN: peristoma. [peri + G. stoma, mouth] * * * peri·stome per ə .stōm n the area surrounding the mouth or cytostome of a protozoan peri·sto·mi·al .per ə stō mē… … Medical dictionary
Vorticella — A genus of Ciliata of the order Peritrichida, bell shaped and with a spiral of cilia around the adoral zone; various free living species have been found at times in the feces, urine, and mucous discharges. [Mod. L. dim. of L. vortex, a … Medical dictionary
Climacostomum — sp. Scientific classification Domain: Eukaryota Ki … Wikipedia
Entodiniomorphida — En·to·di·nio·mor·phi·da (en″to di″ne o morґfĭ də) [ento + Gr. dinos a whirling + morphē form] an order of ciliate protozoa (subclass Vestibuliferia, class Kinetofragminophorea) found as commensals in mammalian… … Medical dictionary
peritricha — pəˈri.trə̇kə noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from peri + tricha (from Greek trich , thrix hair) more at trichina : an order of Ciliophora comprising euciliate protozoans with an enlarged disklike ciliated anterior end leading … Useful english dictionary