- Tiglian
- тиглий (климатостратиграфическое подразделение четвертичной системы)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
tiglian — Original trivial name for the saturated form of phorbol. [fr. Croton tiglium (Euphorbiaceae)] … Medical dictionary
Viviparus glacialis — Taxobox name = Viviparus glacialis image width = 225px status = regnum = Animalia phylum = Mollusca classis = Gastropoda ordo = Architaenioglossa superfamilia = Ampullarioidea familia = Viviparidae genus = Viviparus species = V. glacialis… … Wikipedia
Tegelen — is a big village in the province of Limburg in the Netherlands. It was an independent municipality until 2001, when it was merged into the municipality of Venlo.NameThe name Tegelen is derived from Latin Tegula , meaning roof tile. This name was… … Wikipedia
Pastonian Stage — The Pastonian interglacial, now called the Pastonian Stage, is the name for an early Pleistocene stage used in the British Isles. It precedes the Beestonian Stage and follows the Pre Pastonian Stage. This stage started 1.816 Ma (million years… … Wikipedia
Pre-Pastonian Stage — The Pre Pastonian Stage or Baventian Stage, is the name for an early Pleistocene stage used in the British Isles. It precedes the Pastonian Stage and follows the Bramertonian Stage. This stage ended 1.806 Ma (million years ago) at the end of… … Wikipedia
Bramertonian Stage — The Bramertonian Stage is the name for an early Pleistocene stage used in the British Isles. It precedes the Pre Pastonian Stage (Baventian Stage). It derives its name from Bramerton Pits in Norfolk, where the deposits can be found on the surface … Wikipedia
Gelasian — The Gelasian is a stage whose belonging to either the Pliocene or the Pleistocene Epochs is currently discussed. It spans the time between 2.588 ± 0.005 mya (million years ago) and 1.806 ± 0.005 mya. [… … Wikipedia
Gelasiano — El Gelasiano o Gelasiense, una división de la escala temporal geológica, es una edad/piso geológico que comienza hace 2,588 millones de años y termina hace 1,806. En la actualidad, la Comisión Internacional de Estratigrafía (ICS) considera que… … Wikipedia Español
Eburon glacial stage — ▪ geology division of Pleistocene time in northern Europe (the Pleistocene epoch began about 1,600,000 years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago). The Eburon glacial stage preceded the Waal interglacial stage and followed the Tegelen… … Universalium
Classic Glacial/Cold and Interglacial/Warm Episodes*, Table — ▪ Table oxygen 18 stage central United States Great Britain northwestern Europe 1 Holocene Holocene, Flandrian Holocene, Flandrian Wisconsinan Devensian Weichselian 2 late late late 3 middle middle middle … Universalium
Marine isotope stage — 5 million year history Sections … Wikipedia