- throughfall
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Throughfall — In Hydrology, throughfall is the process which describes how wet leaves shed excess water onto the ground surface. These drops have an erosive power because they are larger than rain drops, however, if they travel a shorter distance their erosive … Wikipedia
Throughfall — Als Kronendurchlass bezeichnet man in der Hydrologie den Niederschlag, der durch das Kronendach eines Baumbestandes fällt. Zusammen mit dem Stammabfluss ergibt er den Bestandsniederschlag, das heißt den Niederschlag unter einem Kronen bzw.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
throughfall — noun The shedding of excess water from leaves to the ground … Wiktionary
throughfall — precipitation falling through the vegetation cover to the surface. It is slowed by collisions with leaves and branches but does not get fully intercepted by them … Geography glossary
throughfall — A part of precipitation that reaches ground by falling through vegetative cover [16] … Lexicon of Cave and Karst Terminology
throughfall — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun : rainfall in a forest area that is not intercepted by the crown canopy and reaches the forest floor … Useful english dictionary
Erosion — is the carrying away or displacement of solids (sediment, soil, rock and other particles) usually by the agents of currents such as, wind, water, or ice by downward or down slope movement in response to gravity or by living organisms (in the case … Wikipedia
Spotted Owl — northern race plumage Conservation status … Wikipedia
Throughflow — In Hydrology, throughflow is the movement of water horizontally beneath the land surface. It occurs once water has infiltrated the soil, the water moves downwards under gravity and because the soil becomes more compact and less permeable with… … Wikipedia
Sparriger Runzelbruder — Moose Torfmoos (Sphagnum squarrosum) Systematik Domäne: Eukaryoten (Eucaryota) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Stammabfluss — Als Stammabfluss bezeichnet man in der Hydrologie den Anteil des Niederschlags, der von den Baumkronen zum Stamm abgeleitet wird. Das Wasser fließt dabei entlang des Stammes nach unten ab. Zusammen mit dem Kronendurchlass, dem sogenannten… … Deutsch Wikipedia