

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bunoselenodont" в других словарях:

  • bunoselenodont — Having molar teeth with crescentic ridges and rounded cusps on the occlusal surface. [bunos, + selene, moon, + odous, tooth] …   Medical dictionary

  • bunoselenodont — bu·no·se·le·no·dont …   English syllables

  • bunoselenodont — |byünōsə̇|lēnəˌdänt adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary bun (from Greek bounos) + o + selen + odont 1. of teeth : having inner cusps that are blunt cones and outer ones modified into longitudinal crescents (as in the extinct… …   Useful english dictionary

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