- thermolabile
- термолабильный (разлагающийся под действием тепла)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
thermolabile — [ tɛrmolabil ] adj. • 1905; de thermo et labile ♦ Sc. Qui subit des modifications ou qui perd de ses propriétés lorsqu une élévation de température déterminée s est produite. ⊗ CONTR. Thermostable. ● thermolabile adjectif Se dit d une substance… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Thermolabile — refers to a substance which is subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat. This term is often used to describe biochemical substances. For example, many bacterial exotoxins are thermolabile and can be easily inactivated by … Wikipedia
thermolabile — [thʉr΄mōlā′bəl] adj. [ THERMO + LABILE] designating or of substances, as some toxins, enzymes, etc., that are destroyed or lose their characteristic properties when subjected to heat, esp. to a temperature of 55°C (131°F) or above thermolability… … English World dictionary
thermolabile — adjective Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1904 unstable when heated; specifically subject to loss of characteristic properties on being heated to or above 55°C (131°F) < many immune bodies, enzymes, and vitamins are… … New Collegiate Dictionary
Thermolabile — Thermolabilité Thermolabile désigne une substance (protéine) qui perd ses propriétés lorsqu elle subit une élévation de température. Cela concerne surtout des protéines complexes (toxines et autres) qui sous l effet de la température perdent leur … Wikipédia en Français
thermolabile — Subject to alteration or destruction by heat. [thermo + L. labilis, perishable] * * * ther·mo·la·bile .thər mō lā .bīl, bəl adj unstable when heated specif subject to loss of characteristic properties on being heated to or above 55°C… … Medical dictionary
thermolabile — thermolability /therr moh leuh bil i tee/, n. /therr moh lay bil, buyl/, adj. Biochem. subject to destruction or loss of characteristic properties by the action of moderate heat, as certain toxins and enzymes (opposed to thermostable). [1900 05;… … Universalium
thermolabile — adjective Subject to destruction/decomposition or change in response to heat. Ant: thermostable … Wiktionary
thermolabile — Decomposed, destroyed, affected, or liable to be adversely affected by heat, as some enzyme and toxins … Forensic science glossary
thermolabile — adj. sensitive to heat … English contemporary dictionary
thermolabile — [ˌθə:mə(ʊ) leɪbʌɪl, bɪl] adjective chiefly Biochemistry readily destroyed or deactivated by heat … English new terms dictionary