- tephra
- тефра (пирокластические образования, связанные с вулканической деятельностью)
basaltic tephra базальтовая тефра
marine tephra морская тефра
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Tephra — is air fall material produced by a volcanic eruption regardless of composition or fragment size. [This is the broad definition of tephra (Greek tephra , ash ) proposed by the Icelandic volcanologist Sigurdur Thorarinsson in 1954, in connection… … Wikipedia
Tephra — (gr.), so v.w. Asche … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tephra — [griechisch »Asche«] die, , Petrographie: Sammelbezeichnung für alle unverfestigten vulkanischen Lockerprodukte (Aschen, Lapilli, Bomben u. a.). Aus ihnen entstehen die Pyroklastite … Universal-Lexikon
tephra — [tef′rə] pl.n. [< Gr: see TEPHRITE] [with sing. or pl. v.] clastic volcanic materials, as dust, ashes, or pumice, ejected during an eruption and carried through the air before deposition … English World dictionary
tephra — ALASKA VOLCANO OBSERVATORY GLOSSARY Any type of rock fragment that is forcibly ejected from the volcano during an eruption. GLOSSARY OF VOLCANIC TERMS A general term used by volcanologists to describe all fragmental volcanic ejecta produced… … Glossary of volcanic terms
Tephra — Fossile pyroklastische Brekzie, Grand Teton Nationalpark, Wyoming Als Pyroklastische Sedimente, auch pyroklastische Ablagerungen oder Pyroklastika, werden in der Vulkanologie Ablagerungen bezeichnet, die zu mehr als 75% aus Pyroklasten bestehen.… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tephra — Éjecta Traduction à relire Piroclasto → … Wikipédia en Français
Téphra — Éjecta Traduction à relire Piroclasto → … Wikipédia en Français
tephra — /tef reuh/, n. (used with a pl. v.) clastic volcanic material, as scoria, dust, etc., ejected during an eruption. [1960 65; < Gk téphra (sing.) ashes] * * * … Universalium
Tephra — Te|phra* die; <aus gr. téphra »Asche«> Sammelbez. für vulkanische Lockerstoffe … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
tephra — A collective, general term for any and all clastic materials, regardless of size or composition, ejected from a vent during a volcanic eruption and transported through the air; including ash [ volcanic; < 2 mm ], blocks [ volcanic; > 64… … Glossary of landform and geologic terms