- temperate
- умеренный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Temperate — Tem per*ate, a. [L. temperatus, p. p. of temperare. See {Temper}, v. t.] 1. Moderate; not excessive; as, temperate heat; a temperate climate. [1913 Webster] 2. Not marked with passion; not violent; cool; calm; as, temperate language. [1913… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
temperate — [tem′pər it, tem′prit] adj. [ME temperat < L temperatus, pp. of temperare, to TEMPER] 1. moderate in indulging the appetites; not self indulgent; abstemious, esp. in the use of alcoholic liquors 2. moderate in one s actions, speech, etc.; self … English World dictionary
Temperate — Tem per*ate, v. t. To render temperate; to moderate; to soften; to temper. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] It inflames temperance, and temperates wrath. Marston. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
temperate — late 14c., of persons, modest, forbearing, self restrained, from L. temperatus restrained, regulated, from pp. of temperare to moderate, regulate (see TEMPER (Cf. temper)). Applied to climates mid 15c.; temperate zone is attested from 1550s … Etymology dictionary
temperate — [adj1] calm, moderate agreeable, balmy, checked, clement, collected, composed, conservative, constant, cool, curbed, discreet, dispassionate, equable, even, even tempered, fair, gentle, levelheaded, medium, mild, modest, pleasant, reasonable,… … New thesaurus
temperate — index charitable (lenient), controlled (restrained), dispassionate, judicious, normal (sane) … Law dictionary
temperate — 1 *moderate Analogous words: mild, gentle, lenient, *soft: *steady, even, equable, constant: restrained, curbed, checked (see RESTRAIN) Antonyms: intemperate: inordinate 2 *sober, continent, unimpassioned Analogous w … New Dictionary of Synonyms
temperate — ► ADJECTIVE 1) relating or referring to a region or climate characterized by mild temperatures. 2) showing moderation or self restraint. DERIVATIVES temperately adverb. ORIGIN Latin temperatus, from temperare mingle, restrain … English terms dictionary
temperate — tem|per|ate [ temp(ə)rət ] adjective 1. ) a temperate CLIMATE or region is never extremely hot or extremely cold: temperate countries/regions/zones temperate weather a ) used about plants and animals that live in temperate areas: temperate… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
temperate — UK [ˈtemp(ə)rət] / US adjective 1) a) science a temperate climate or region is never extremely hot or extremely cold temperate countries/regions/zones temperate weather b) used about plants and animals that live in temperate areas temperate… … English dictionary
temperate — adjective a) Moderate; not excessive; as, temperate heat; a temperate climate. Hepaticology, outside the temperate parts of the Northern Hemisphere, still lies deep in the shadow cast by that ultimate closet taxonomist, Franz Stephani a ghost… … Wiktionary