- bumpy
- самоотваливающийся; стреляющий (о породе)
* * *турбулентный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
bumpy — 1865, from BUMP (Cf. bump) + Y (Cf. y) (2). Fasten your seatbelts. It s going to be a bumpy night. [Bette Davis ( Margo Channing ), All About Eve, 1950] Related: Bumpiness … Etymology dictionary
bumpy — [adj] rough choppy, corrugated, jarring, jerky, knobby, lumpy, potholed*, rugged, rutted, uneven; concepts 485,606 … New thesaurus
bumpy — [bum′pē] adj. bumpier, bumpiest full of bumps; rough; jolting bumpily adv. bumpiness n … English World dictionary
bumpy — UK [ˈbʌmpɪ] / US adjective Word forms bumpy : adjective bumpy comparative bumpier superlative bumpiest 1) a bumpy surface has a lot of rough or raised parts on it a bumpy dirt track 2) a bumpy ride, flight, or journey is uncomfortable because of… … English dictionary
bumpy — bump|y [ˈbʌmpi] adj comparative bumpier superlative bumpiest 1.) a bumpy surface is flat but has a lot of raised parts so it is difficult to walk or drive on it = ↑uneven ≠ ↑smooth ▪ a bumpy road ▪ The ground is bumpy in places. 2.) a bumpy… … Dictionary of contemporary English
bumpy — bump|y [ bʌmpi ] adjective 1. ) a bumpy surface has a lot of rough or raised parts on it: a bumpy dirt road 2. ) a bumpy ride, flight, or trip is uncomfortable because of bad weather or a bad road 3. ) involving both failures and successes:… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
bumpy — [[t]bʌ̱mpi[/t]] bumpier, bumpiest 1) ADJ GRADED A bumpy road or path has a lot of bumps on it. ...bumpy cobbled streets. Ant: smooth 2) ADJ GRADED A bumpy journey is uncomfortable and rough, usually because you are travelling over an uneven… … English dictionary
bumpy — adjective 1 a bumpy surface is flat but has a lot of raised parts so it is difficult to walk or drive on it: a bumpy lane 2 a bumpy journey by car or plane is uncomfortable because of bad road or weather conditions 3 have a bumpy ride/time to… … Longman dictionary of contemporary English
bumpy — adjective (bumpier; est) Date: 1865 1. having or covered with bumps < a bumpy road > < bumpy skin > 2. a. marked by bumps or jolts < a bumpy ride > b. marked by or full of difficulties < a … New Collegiate Dictionary
Bumpy — For the Hawaiian nationalist leader, see Bumpy Kanahele. Or see bump. Taxobox name = Bumpy regnum = Animalia phylum = Cnidaria classis = Scyphozoa ordo = Scyphomedusae familia = Ulmaridae genus = Stellamedusa species = S. ventana binomial =… … Wikipedia
bumpy — bumpily, adv. bumpiness, n. /bum pee/, adj., bumpier, bumpiest. 1. of uneven surface; full of bumps: a bumpy road. 2. full of jolts: a bumpy ride. 3. causing jolts: Bumpy air shook the airplane. 4. having many difficulties or failures; full of… … Universalium