- tactoid
- тактоид (веретенообразное тело, встречающееся в золе пятиокиси ванадия, различимое под микроскопом)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
tactoid — tac·toid tak .tȯid n an elongated particle (as in a sickle cell, myosin, or fibrin) that appears as a spindle shaped body under a polarizing microscope * * * tac·toid (takґtoid) an elongated crystallike aggregation that appears spindle shaped… … Medical dictionary
tactoid — tac·toid … English syllables
tactoid — ˈtakˌtȯid noun ( s) Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary tact (from Greek taktos, verbal of tassein, tattein to arrange, order) + oid more at tactics : an elongated particle (as in vanadium pentoxide sol, tobacco mosaic virus … Useful english dictionary