- synchroneity
- синхронность (совпадение по времени образования, происхождения)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
synchroneity — noun a) The state or characteristic of being synchronous or synchronized. Artist and audience are bound together in a three legged race, sometimes reluctant partners, sometimes joyful in synchroneity. b) A particular instance of objects, events,… … Wiktionary
synchroneity — noun (plural ities) Etymology: synchronous + eity (as in spontaneity) Date: circa 1909 the state of being synchronous … New Collegiate Dictionary
synchroneity — /sing kreuh nee i tee, nay /, n. the state of being synchronous; synchronism. [1905 10; SYNCHRON(OUS) + eity, as in SIMULTANEITY, SPONTANEITY] * * * … Universalium
synchroneity — syn·chro·ne·ity … English syllables
synchroneity — noun the relation that exists when things occur at the same time the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves • Syn: ↑synchronism, ↑synchrony, ↑synchronicity, ↑synchronization, ↑synchronisation, ↑synchronizing … Useful english dictionary
synchronicity — noun the relation that exists when things occur at the same time the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves • Syn: ↑synchronism, ↑synchrony, ↑synchroneity, ↑synchronization, ↑synchronisation, ↑synchronizing … Useful english dictionary
synchronisation — noun 1. the relation that exists when things occur at the same time the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves • Syn: ↑synchronism, ↑synchrony, ↑synchronicity, ↑synchroneity, ↑synchronization, ↑synchronizing … Useful english dictionary
synchronization — noun 1. the relation that exists when things occur at the same time the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves • Syn: ↑synchronism, ↑synchrony, ↑synchronicity, ↑synchroneity, ↑synchronisation, ↑synchronizing … Useful english dictionary
synchronizing — noun 1. the relation that exists when things occur at the same time the drug produces an increased synchrony of the brain waves • Syn: ↑synchronism, ↑synchrony, ↑synchronicity, ↑synchroneity, ↑synchronization, ↑synchronisation … Useful english dictionary
Snowball Earth — The Snowball Earth hypothesis as it was originally proposedcite book author = Kirschvink, J.L. year = 1992 chapter = Late Proterozoic low latitude global glaciation: The snowball Earth title = The Proterozoic Biosphere: A Multidisciplinary Study… … Wikipedia
Zimbabwe craton — The Zimbabwe craton is an example of Early Archaean lithology dating back to 3.5 Gigaannum Ga. in the southern African nation of Zimbabwe [Wilson, J.F., Nesbitt, R.W., Fanning, C.M., 1995. Zircon geochronology of Archaean felsic sequences in the… … Wikipedia