- sympod
- Crust. симпод, симподит
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
sympod — См. sympodite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
sympod(ite) — See: protopod [Martin, 2005]. An appendage segment made of the fused basis and coxa. (Syn. protopod, protopodite) [Wilson, 1989]. See: protopod [McLaughlin, 1980]. (Order Isopoda): Proximal part of an appendage, often formed by the fusion of the… … Crustacea glossary
protopod — Peduncle of an appendage; in unmodified form, consisting of one coxal and one basal article. (Syn. protopodite) [Williams, 1984]. Proximal portion of limb, consisting of precoxa, coxa, and basis, fused together in some forms; its distal edge… … Crustacea glossary
protopod — n. [Gr. protos, first; pous, foot] (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea) The part of an appendage, consisting of coxa and basis or precoxa, coxa, and basis, sometimes fused; protopod(ite); sympod; sympodite … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
protopodite — n. [Gr. protos, first; pous, foot] (ARTHROPODA) The basal stalk of a segmented appendage; sympod or sympodite; see protopod … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
peduncle — A stalk like structure [AHD]. Basal portion of certain appendages; also fleshy part of body in some cirripeds (Lepadomorpha), between capitulum and attachment to substrate with or without armor of chitinous or calcareous beads, scales, or… … Crustacea glossary
protopodite — Fused proximal segments (coxa and basis) of an appendage such as pleopod, usually with endopod and exopod [Butler, T.H.]. Proximal part of appendage, consisting of coxa and basis or less frequently of precoxa, coxa, and basis, sometimes fused.… … Crustacea glossary