- superfluent
- переливающийся (напр. о лавовом потоке)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
superfluent — süˈpərfləwənt adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Latin superfluent , superfluens, present participle of superfluere to overflow, be superfluous more at superfluous 1. : characterized by or given to superfluity : superfluous 2 … Useful english dictionary
superfluent — su·per·flu·ent … English syllables
superfluous — [adj] extra, unnecessary abounding, de trop, dispensable, excess, excessive, exorbitant, expendable, extravagant, extreme, gratuitous, inessential, in excess, inordinate, lavish, leftover, needless, nonessential, overflowing, overmuch, pleonastic … New thesaurus
surplus — [adj] extra de trop, excess, in excess, leftover, odd*, over, remaining, spare, superfluent, superfluous, supernumerary, too much, unused; concepts 560,781,824 Ant. essential, lacking, necessary, needing, wanting surplus [n] extra material… … New thesaurus