

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "subsolvus" в других словарях:

  • Subsolvus — In subsolvus granites, which crystallisation occurs at great water pressures, two types of feldspar are present as opposed to hypersolvus granites in which crystallization at relatively low water pressures results in the formation of a single… …   Wikipedia

  • Granite — For other uses, see Granite (disambiguation). Granite Igneous Rock Granite containing potassium feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, quartz, and biotite and/or amphibole Composi …   Wikipedia

  • Plagioclase — A photomicrograph of a plagioclase crystal under cross polarized light. The plagioclase crystal shows a distinct banding effect called a Polysynthetic twinning. (unknown scale) General Category …   Wikipedia

  • Hypersolvus — In hypersolvus granites, crystallization at relatively low water pressures results in the formation of a single feldspar as opposed to subsolvus granites in which two distinct types of feldspar are present.The distinctive character of feldspar in …   Wikipedia

  • GRANITES — Les granites sont des roches cristallines de texture grenue formées essentiellement de quartz, de feldspath alcalin et de plagioclase, avec des proportions mineures de minéraux colorés. Avec le basalte, le granite est la roche la plus répandue à… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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