
1. перемычка 2. защитная дамба
* * *
дамба, ограждающая берег от разрушения
рудничная перемычка

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bulkhead" в других словарях:

  • Bulkhead — est un personnage de fiction de l univers Transformers. Transformers: Animated Bulkhead apparaît dans Transformers: Animated parmi les personnages principaux de la série. Il est le seul héros Autobot dont le nom ne provient pas de Génération 1.… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Bulkhead — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Es un personaje del universo Transformers Transformers Energon Apareció en el capitulo Bulkhead . Comanda a los Autobots Cliffjumper y Downshift. Se transforma en un Helicóptero armado. Bulkhead está basado en el… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Bulkhead — may refer to:* Bulkhead (barrier), a form of coastal management akin to a seawall * Bulkhead (partition): a wall within the hull of a ship, vehicle, or container * Bulkhead flatcars: a type of rolling stock designed with sturdy end walls *… …   Wikipedia

  • Bulkhead — Bulk head , n. [See {Bulk} part of a building.] 1. (Naut.) A partition in a vessel, to separate apartments on the same deck. [1913 Webster] 2. A structure of wood or stone, to resist the pressure of earth or water; a partition wall or structure,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulkhead — index buffer zone, bulwark Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bulkhead — late 15c., perhaps from BULK (Cf. bulk) framework projecting in the front of a shop (1580s), which is perhaps from O.N. bolkr beam, balk (see BALK (Cf. balk)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • bulkhead — ► NOUN ▪ a barrier between separate compartments inside a ship, aircraft, etc. ORIGIN from Old Norse, partition + HEAD(Cf. ↑headless) …   English terms dictionary

  • bulkhead — [bulk′hed΄] n. [ BULK2 + HEAD] 1. any of the upright partitions separating parts of a ship, airplane, etc. as for protection against fire or leakage 2. a wall or embankment for holding back earth, fire, water, etc. ☆ 3. a boxlike structure built… …   English World dictionary

  • bulkhead — [1] A structural partition that separates compartments. This is generally a metal wall that extends from one side of a vehicle to the other. In the engine compartment, you would find a radiator bulkhead near the front and a firewall near the back …   Dictionary of automotive terms

  • bulkhead — UK [ˈbʌlkˌhed] / US noun [countable] Word forms bulkhead : singular bulkhead plural bulkheads a wall that divides the inside of a ship or plane into separate areas …   English dictionary

  • bulkhead — [[t]bʌ̱lkhed[/t]] bulkheads N COUNT A bulkhead is a wall which divides the inside of a ship or aeroplane into separate sections. [TECHNICAL] Syn: partition …   English dictionary

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