- subgraywacke
- 1. субграувакка (малополевошпатовая вакка) 2. песчаник, по составу промежуточный между грауваккой и ортокварцитом 3. кварцевая граувакка
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
subgraywacke — sub·graywacke … English syllables
subgraywacke — |səb+ noun Etymology: sub + graywacke : a graywacke characterized by introduced mineral cement and deposition from normal subaqueous currents … Useful english dictionary
Tuscarora Formation — The Silurian Tuscarora Formation (St) is a mapped bedrock unit in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia. It is also sometimes referred to as the Tuscarora Sandstone or the Tuscarora Quartzite.DescriptionThe Tuscarora is a thin to… … Wikipedia
Juniata Formation — The Ordovician Juniata Formation (Oj) is a mapped bedrock unit in Pennsylvania and Maryland. It is a relative slope former occurring between the two prominent ridge forming sandstone units: the Tuscarora Formation and the Bald Eagle Formation in… … Wikipedia