- streptaster
- Рог. стрептастра
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
streptaster — strep·tas·ter … English syllables
streptaster — strepˈtastə(r) noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from strept + aster : a sponge spicule having the form of a modified aster in which the rays do not meet at a common center but radiate from an axis … Useful english dictionary
Edrioasteroidea — Taxobox name = Edrioasteroids fossil range = Ediacaran Permian image caption = An unidentified edrioasteroid regnum = Animalia phylum = Echinodermata subphylum = Pelmatozoa classis = Edrioasteroidea subdivision ranks = Genera subdivision = *?… … Wikipedia
List of prehistoric echinoderms — This list of prehistoric echinoderms is an attempt to create a comprehensive listing of all genera that have ever been included in the Echinoderms that have been preserved as fossils. This list excludes purely vernacular terms. It includes all… … Wikipedia
euaster — (ˈ)yü|(w)+ noun Etymology: New Latin, from eu + aster : a sponge spicule in the shape of a modified aster in which the rays meet at a common center compare streptaster … Useful english dictionary
strept- — combining form Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from streptos twisted, pliant, from strephein to twist, turn more at strophe 1. : twisted : twisted chain Streptococcus … Useful english dictionary