
streaking out into layers разделение на слои
mineral streaking линейность минералов

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "streaking" в других словарях:

  • Streaking — is the act of taking off one s clothes and running naked through a public place. Definitions and etymologyThe word is recorded in its modern sense only since 1973. Before, to streak in English since 1768 meant to go quickly, to rush, to run at… …   Wikipedia

  • Streaking — es un anglicismo que designa el acto de correr desnudo en la calle, en estadios deportivos o en otros lugares públicos cualesquiera. Se distingue del nudismo, en que el streaking suele ser una práctica ocasional que intenta llamar la atención, de …   Wikipedia Español

  • streaking — [stʀɛkiŋ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1974; mot amér., de to streak « filer comme l éclair ». ❖ ♦ Anglic. Manifestation qui consiste à courir entièrement nu dans un lieu public. || « Le streaking, exhibitionnisme de groupe » (H. Pierre, le Monde, 17 mars 1974).… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Streaking — Nu vite Un nu vite lors d une partie de football américain. Un nu vite (terme essentiellement québécois, variante nuvite) ou streaker (terme généralement employé en Europe, emprunté à l anglais) est un exhibitionniste apparaissant nu en public,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Streaking — Streak Streak, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Streaked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Streaking}.] 1. To form streaks or stripes in or on; to stripe; to variegate with lines of a different color, or of different colors. [1913 Webster] A mule . . . streaked and dappled …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • streaking — {{#}}{{LM S36462}}{{〓}} {{[}}streaking{{]}} {{■}}(ing.){{□}} (también {{◎}}estriquin{{ ̄}}) {{《}}▍ s.m.{{》}} Forma de protesta que consiste en desnudarse en lugares públicos o ante mucha gente. {{★}}{{\}}PRONUNCIACIÓN:{{/}} [estríkin].… …   Diccionario de uso del español actual con sinónimos y antónimos

  • streaking — streak ► NOUN 1) a long, thin mark of a different substance or colour from its surroundings. 2) an element of a specified kind in someone s character: a ruthless streak. 3) a spell of specified success or luck: a winning streak . ► VERB 1) mark… …   English terms dictionary

  • Streaking (microbiology) — Streaking is a technique used in microbiology to isolate a pure strain from a single species of microorganism, often bacteria. A microbiological culture can be grown so that the organism can be identified, studied, or tested. A sterile cotton… …   Wikipedia

  • streaking — noun Date: circa 1964 the lightening (as by chemicals) of a few long strands of hair to produce a streaked effect …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • streaking — Synonyms and related words: band, bar, belt, crack, craze, cross hatching, dash, delineation, diagonal, dotted line, hachure, hairline, lineation, list, score, slash, streak, stria, striation, striature, striga, striola, strip, stripe, striping,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • streaking — strea·king s.m.inv. ES ingl. {{wmetafile0}} gesto provocatorio di contestazione consistente in una breve corsa in pubblico da parte di una o più persone completamente nude {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1981. ETIMO: der. di (to) streak correre… …   Dizionario italiano

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