
1. лавовый купол 2. выступ (участок суши, выступающий за пределы общего контура материка) 3. диапировый купол 4. выпуклость; выгнутость; кривизна 5. выпучиваться, вздуваться 6. раздув (жилы)
bulge of curve горб кривой
anticlinal bulge антиклинальный купол
antipodal bulge антиподное вздутие
crustal bulge вспучивание коры; поднятие коры
downward bulge тект. корень
gypsum bulge гипсовый купол
submarine bulge подводный выступ, подводный купол
* * *
лавовый купол

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "bulge" в других словарях:

  • Bulge — (b[u^]lj), n. [OE. bulge a swelling; cf. AS. belgan to swell, OSw. bulgja, Icel. b[=o]lginn swollen, OHG. belgan to swell, G. bulge leathern sack, Skr. b[.r]h to be large, strong; the root meaning to swell. Cf. {Bilge}, {Belly}, {Billow}, {Bouge} …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulge — vb Bulge, jut, stick out, protuberate, protrude, project, overhang, beetle mean to extend outward beyond the usual and normal line. Bulge suggests a swelling out in an excessive or abnormal fashion; it may be used when the impression to be given… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Bulge — Bulge, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Bulged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Bulging}.] 1. To swell or jut out; to bend outward, as a wall when it yields to pressure; to be protuberant; as, the wall bulges. [1913 Webster] 2. To bilge, as a ship; to founder. [1913… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • bulge — ● bulge nom masculin (anglais bulge, bosse) Compartiment aménagé à l extérieur de la carène d un navire pour éloigner de celle ci le point d explosion d une torpille …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Bulge — →Battle of the Bulge. the …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • bulge — [n] swollen object appendage, bagginess, blob, bump, bunch, bunching, convexity, dilation, distention, excess, excrescence, gibbosity, growth, hump, intumescence, jut, lump, nodulation, nodule, outgrowth, outthrust, projection, prominence,… …   New thesaurus

  • Bulge — Bulge, Lederschlauch zum Ausschöpfen von Wasser oder zum Fortschaffen von Erzen; Bulgenkunst, Wasserhebewerk mit Ledereimern an endloser Kette …   Kleines Konversations-Lexikon

  • bulge — index project (extend beyond) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • bulge — (n.) c.1200, from O.Fr. bouge wallet, pouch, leather bag (see BUDGET (Cf. budget)). Sense of swelling is first recorded 1620s. The verb is first recorded 1670s. Related: Bulged; bulging. BILGE (Cf. Bilge) (q.v.) may be a nautical variant …   Etymology dictionary

  • bulge — ► NOUN 1) a rounded swelling distorting a flat surface. 2) Military a piece of land projecting outwards from an otherwise regular line. 3) informal a temporary increase. ► VERB 1) swell or protrude to an unnatural extent. 2) be full of and… …   English terms dictionary

  • bulge — [bulj] n. [ME < OFr bouge: see BUDGE2] 1. an outward swelling; protuberance 2. a projecting part, as a military salient ☆ 3. Informal a sudden increase in size, value, etc. ☆ 4. Informal advantage or margin of advantage vi., vt …   English World dictionary

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