- spirolophe
- Brach. спиролоф
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
spirolophe — n. [L. spira, coil; Gr. lophos, crest] (BRACHIOPODA) A lophopore with brachia spirally coiled and bearing single rows of paired filamentary appendages … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
BRACHIOPODES — Les Brachiopodes ( 廓福見﨑晴諸益, bras; 神礼羽﨟, gén. 神礼嗀礼﨟, pied) constituent aujourd’hui un ensemble peu important, souvent associé aux Bryozoaires et aux Phoronidiens sous le vocable de Vermidiens, dans le «groupe confus des Vers»: ce sont des… … Encyclopédie Universelle
spiralia — n. pl.; sing. spiralium [L. spira, coil] (BRACHIOPODA) Two spirally coiled supports of the secondary shell for the plectolophe or spirolophe … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology