- scheteligite
- шетелигит, (Са, Y, Sb, Mn)2(Ti, Та, Nb, W)206(0, ОН)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
scheteligite — sche·tel·i·gite … English syllables
scheteligite — shəˈtelə̇ˌgīt noun ( s) Etymology: Norwegian scheteligit, from Jacob Schetelig died 1935 Norwegian mineralogist + Norwegian it ite : a mineral (Ca,Y,Sb,Mn)2(Ti,Ta,Cb)2O6(O,OH) that is an oxide of calcium, rare earth metals, antimony, manganese,… … Useful english dictionary
Oxide minerals — Oxide mineral exhibit at the Museum of Geology in South Dakota The oxide mineral class includes those minerals in which the oxide anion (O2 ) is bonded to one or more metal ions. The hydroxide bearing minerals are typically included in the oxide… … Wikipedia