- sastruga
- заструга
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Sastruga — Sastrugi au pôle sud. Un sastruga ou zastruga est une irrégularité topographique tranchante sur une surface de neige résultant de l érosion causée par le vent, de la saltation de particules de neige et de leur déposition dans les régions… … Wikipédia en Français
Sastruga — ] Sastrugi or zastrugi are sharp irregular grooves or ridges formed on a snow surface by wind erosion and deposition, and found in polar and temperate snow regions. They differ from sand dunes in that the ridges are parallel to the prevailing… … Wikipedia
sastruga — noun (plural sastrugi) Etymology: German, from Russian dialect (Siberia) zastruga Date: 1840 a wavelike ridge of hard snow formed by the wind usually used in plural … New Collegiate Dictionary
sastruga — /sas treuh geuh, sah streuh , sa strooh , sah /, n., pl. sastrugi / gee/. Usually, sastrugi. ridges of snow formed on a snowfield by the action of the wind. Also, zastruga. [1830 40; < G < dial. Russ. zastrúga, n. deriv. of zastrugát , zastrogát… … Universalium
sastruga — noun Any of a series of long, wavelike ridges or grooves formed on a snow surface by the wind, especially in polar plains … Wiktionary
Sastruga — Sas|tru|ga* die; , ...gi <zu russ. zastrugat »spitz machen«> durch Auswehung verursachte scharfkantige, bis 1,5 m hohe, unregelmäßige Rücken auf verfestigten Schneedecken, vor allem in der Antarktis … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
sastruga — sas·tru·ga … English syllables
sastruga — /sæsˈtrugə/ (say sas trooguh) noun (plural sastrugi) a ridge, as in snow or sand, fashioned by the wind into a wave formation. {Russian zastruga groove, from za by + struga deep place} …
sastruga — … Useful english dictionary
zastruga — variant of sastruga * * * /zas treuh geuh, zah streuh , za strooh , zah /, n., pl. zastrugi / gee/. sastruga. * * * zastruga /za strooˈgä/ noun (pl zastruˈgi / gē/) same as ↑sastruga * * * zastruga var. sastruga … Useful english dictionary
Sastrugi — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Sastrugi en el Polo Sur Una sastrugi o zastrugi es una superficie nevada que presenta muchas irregularidades topográficas, modelada por surcos agudos e irregulares que se forman por la erosión del viento, la… … Wikipedia Español