- bryozoan
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Bryozoan — Bry o*zo an, a. (Zo[ o]l.) Of or pertaining to the Bryozoa. n. One of the Bryozoa. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
bryozoan — [brī΄ō zō′ən, brī΄əzō′ən] n. [< ModL < Gr bryon, moss + ZO(A) + AN] any of a phylum (Bryozoa) of minute water animals that form branching, mosslike colonies and reproduce by budding … English World dictionary
bryozoan — noun Etymology: New Latin Bryozoa, from Greek bryon + New Latin zoa Date: circa 1864 any of a phylum (Bryozoa) of aquatic mostly marine invertebrate animals that reproduce by budding and usually form permanently attached branched or mossy… … New Collegiate Dictionary
bryozoan — 1. adjective /ˌbɹɑɪ.əˈzəʊ.ən/ Pertaining to bryozoa. Syn: polyzoan, polyzoic 2. noun /ˌbɹɑɪ.əˈzəʊ.ən/ a) A bryozoon. b) A member of a bryozoan … Wiktionary
bryozoan Zoology — [ˌbrʌɪə zəʊən] noun a sedentary aquatic invertebrate of the phylum Bryozoa, which comprises the moss animals. adjective relating to the bryozoans. Origin from mod. L. Bryozoa, from Gk bruon moss + zōia animals … English new terms dictionary
bryozoan — /bruy euh zoh euhn/, adj. 1. belonging or pertaining to the Bryozoa. n. 2. Also called moss animal. any sessile marine or freshwater animal of the phylum Bryozoa, forming branching, encrusting, or gelatinous mosslike colonies of many small polyps … Universalium
bryozoan — bryo·zo·an … English syllables
bryozoan — bry•o•zo•an [[t]ˌbraɪ əˈzoʊ ən[/t]] n. 1) ivt Also called moss animal any marine or freshwater colonial animal of the phylum Bryozoa, forming branching, encrusting, or gelatinous mosslike masses. 2) ivt belonging to the Bryozoa • Etymology:… … From formal English to slang
bryozoan — /braɪəˈzoʊən/ (say bruyuh zohuhn) adjective 1. of or relating to the Bryozoa, a phylum of marine and freshwater animals, of sessile habits, forming branching, encrusting, or gelatinous colonies of many small polyps, each having a circular or… …
bryozoan — n. & adj. n. any aquatic invertebrate animal of the phylum Bryozoa, forming colonies attached to rocks, seaweeds, etc. Also called POLYZOAN. adj. of or relating to the phylum Bryozoa. Derivatives: bryozoology n. Etymology: Gk bruon moss + zoia… … Useful english dictionary
comb-mouth bryozoan — noun : one of the Ctenostomata … Useful english dictionary