
1. сток (часть атмосферных осадков, стекающих в виде поверхностных водотоков) 2. обрушение кровли или целика в шахте
runoff in depth подземный сток
base runoff базисный сток
delayed runoff подповерхностный сток
direct runoff прямой сток
groundwater runoff сток грунтового происхождения, подземный сток грунтовых вод
ice runoff ледниковый сток
immediate runoff непосредственный сток
peak runoff максимальный сток
permanent groundwater runoff сток постоянного грунтового происхождения
snowmelt runoff сток талых вод
storm runoff прямой сток (после ливней или снеготаяния)
subsurface runoff подповерхностный ливневый сток
surface runoff поверхностный сток
sustained runoff базисный сток
total runoff общий сток

English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.

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Смотреть что такое "runoff" в других словарях:

  • RUNOFF — was the first computer text formatting program to see significant use. It was written in 1964 for the CTSS operating system by Jerome H. Saltzer in MAD assembler.It actually consisted of a pair of programs, TYPSET (which was basically a document… …   Wikipedia

  • RUNOFF — fue el primer programa de computadora de procesado de textos en ser usado significativamente. Fue escrito originalmente en 1964 para el sistema operativo CTSS por Jerome H. Saltzer en ensamblador MAD. Originalmente consistía en dos programas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • runoff — index outflow Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • runoff — (n.) also run off, precipitation water drained by streams and rivers, 1887, from RUN (Cf. run) (v.) + OFF (Cf. off). Meaning deciding race after a tie is from 1873; electoral sense is attested by 1910, Amer.Eng …   Etymology dictionary

  • runoff — [run′ôf΄] n. ☆ 1. something that runs off, as rain in excess of the amount absorbed by the ground 2. a deciding, final race, election, etc. as in case of a tie …   English World dictionary

  • Runoff — Run off or runoff may refer to:* Surface runoff, the flow of water, from rain, snowmelt, or other sources, over land * Runoff model (reservoir), a mathematical model describing the rainfall runoff relations of a rainfall catchment area or… …   Wikipedia

  • runoff — /run awf , of /, n. 1. something that drains or flows off, as rain that flows off from the land in streams. 2. a final contest held to determine a victor after earlier contests have eliminated the weaker contestants. 3. a deciding final contest… …   Universalium

  • runoff — noun a) That portion of precipitation or irrigation on an area which does not infiltrate or evaporate, but instead is discharged from the area.<! That which is lost without entering the soil is called surface runoff. That which enters the soil …   Wiktionary

  • runoff — UK [ˈrʌnɒf] / US [ˈrʌnɔf] noun Word forms runoff : singular runoff plural runoffs 1) [uncountable] science a flow of water or chemicals from one place to another, especially when this damages the environment 2) [countable] a second election or… …   English dictionary

  • runoff — Synonyms and related words: bout, by election, caucus, closed primary, congressional election, contest, contested election, decathlon, defluxion, direct primary, discharge, double header, doubles, drain, drainage, effluence, efflux, effluxion,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • runoff — precipitation that flows across the ground and enters streams, rivers and lakes; may carry pollutants. Also used for the total discharge of a stream, both surface and subsurface, over a given time period. Defined as the depth to which a drainage… …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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