- ravel
- осыпь (осыпающийся при проходке скважины материал)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
RAVEL (M.) — Avec Fauré et Debussy, dont il était le cadet, Ravel partage la gloire d’avoir «fait» la musique française du premier tiers du XXe siècle. Élève du premier, auquel il dédia son Quatuor à cordes , la mode et le snobisme des premières années du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
Ravel — ist der Familienname des Komponisten Joseph Maurice Ravel eine Gemeinde in Frankreich, Ravel (Puy de Dôme) ein ehemaliger französischer Automobilhersteller aus Besançon (1923–1928), siehe Automobiles Ravel ein ehemaliger französischer… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ravel — Rav el (r[a^]v l), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Raveled} ( ld) or {Ravelled}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Raveling} or {Ravelling}.] [OD. ravelen, D. rafelen, akin to LG. rebeln, rebbeln, reffeln.] 1. To separate or undo the texture of; to unravel; to take apart;… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ravel — Rav el, v. i. 1. To become untwisted or unwoven; to be disentangled; to be relieved of intricacy. [1913 Webster] 2. To fall into perplexity and confusion. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Till, by their own perplexities involved, They ravel more, still less … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Ravel — [ra vɛl], Joseph Maurice, französischer Komponist, * Ciboure (Département Pyrénées Atlantiques) 7. 3. 1875, ✝ Paris 28. 12. 1937; studierte am Pariser Conservatoire (u. a. bei G. Fauré), trat bald mit Kompositionen an die Öffentlichkeit. Er… … Universal-Lexikon
ravel — (v.) 1580s, to untangle, unwind, also to become tangled or confused, from Du. ravelen to tangle, fray, unweave, from rafel frayed thread. The seemingly contradictory senses of this word (ravel and unravel are both synonyms and antonyms) are… … Etymology dictionary
Ravel — (izg. ravȅl), Maurice (1875 1937) DEFINICIJA francuski skladatelj, napušta neoromantičarske tendencije, protivnik Wagnera; nadovezuje se na tradiciju francuske glazbe 17. i 18. st. (Rameau) s elementima suvremenih glazbenih tehnika i harmonije,… … Hrvatski jezični portal
ravel — The verb has inflected forms ravelled, ravelling in BrE and usually raveled, raveling in AmE. The usual meaning is ‘to entangle or become entangled’, but ravel out has the opposite meaning, the same as disentangle or unravel … Modern English usage
ravel — ► VERB (ravelled, ravelling; US raveled, raveling) 1) (ravel out) untangle. 2) confuse or complicate (a question or situation). ► NOUN ▪ a tangle or cluster … English terms dictionary
ravel — index ascertain, disorganize, elucidate, snarl Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
Ravel — Ravel, Maurice … Enciclopedia Universal