- rathole
- вертлюжный колодец
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Rathole — may refer to: * removing chips inappropriately from the table in poker * an audio file archiving tool in Soundfont * a jingle on the show MacBreak Weeklyee also* Rathole tunnel … Wikipedia
rathole — also rat hole, 1812 in figurative sense of nasty, messy place; RAT (Cf. rat) + HOLE (Cf. hole) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
rathole — [rat′hōl΄] n. 1. a hole made or used by a rat 2. anything thought of as a thorough waste of money or resources … English World dictionary
rathole — 1. n. a run down place; a dump or a joint. □ I refuse to live in this rathole any longer. □ Why don’t you clean up this rathole? 2. n. a bottomless pit. (Typically with throw and down as in the examples.) □ … Dictionary of American slang and colloquial expressions
rathole — /rat hohl /, n. 1. a hole made by a rat, as into a room, barn, etc.: The first chore in the old building is to plug up the ratholes. 2. the burrow or shelter of a rat. 3. any small and uncomfortable room, office, apartment, etc., esp. one that is … Universalium
rathole — n a disgusting, squalid place. A fashiona ble expression of distaste in the later 1980s. In 1987 the college lecturers union NATFHE condemned Thatcher s rathole Britain in a press handout … Contemporary slang
Rathole tunnel — Rathole tunnels are railway tunnels where fumes from locomotives make passage through the tunnel unpleasantFact|date=February 2007. OverviewRathole tunnels are characterized by being long, steeply graded, narrow bores (often with single tracks).… … Wikipedia
rathole — 1. noun a) An entrance to a living area or passageway used by mice or rats. b) A living area used by mice or rats. 2. verb a) to hoard. b) to take a conversation … Wiktionary
rathole — n. hole made by a rat; rat s burrow, shelter of a rat; small messy and uncomfortable room (Slang) … English contemporary dictionary
rathole — noun N. Amer. informal a cramped or squalid room or building … English new terms dictionary
rathole — n. disgusting place … English slang