- protohistory
- протоистория
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Protohistory — refers to a period between prehistory and history, during which a culture or civilization has not yet developed writing, but other cultures have already noted its existence in their own writings. For example, in Europe, the Celts and the Germanic … Wikipedia
protohistory — [prōt΄ō his′tə rē] n. archaeological history in the period immediately preceding recorded history … English World dictionary
PROTOHISTORY (PROTOSTORIA) — The period between prehistory and history when literary evidence is only indirect and the use of writing by contemporary societies very restricted. The term protostoria is used in central Italy to cover the period (maximally) of 1600 BC to 750 … Historical Dictionary of the Etruscans
protohistory — noun Etymology: International Scientific Vocabulary Date: 1903 the study of human beings in the times that immediately antedate recorded history • protohistorian noun • protohistoric adjective … New Collegiate Dictionary
protohistory — protohistorian /proh toh hi stawr ee euhn, stohr /, n. protohistoric /proh toh hi stawr ik, stor /, protohistorical, adj. /proh toh his teuh ree, his tree/, n., pl. protohistories. 1. a branch of study concerned with the transition period between … Universalium
protohistory — pro·to·history … English syllables
protohistory — pro•to•his•to•ry [[t]ˌproʊ toʊˈhɪs tə ri, ˈhɪs tri[/t]] n. pl. ries ara ant the period in a culture immediately before its recorded history begins • Etymology: 1915–20 pro to•his•to′ri•an hɪˈstɔr i ən, ˈstoʊr n. pro to•his•tor′ic ˈstɔr ɪk, ˈstɒr… … From formal English to slang
protohistory — /ˈproʊtoʊˌhɪstri/ (say prohtoh.histree) noun the study of a culture just prior to its earliest recorded history. {proto + history} …
protohistory — noun the study humans prior to the invention of writing • Syn: ↑protoanthropology • Hypernyms: ↑archeology, ↑archaeology • Hyponyms: ↑protoarcheology, ↑protoarchaeology * * * “ … Useful english dictionary
Prehistory and protohistory of Himachal Pradesh — The state of Himachal Pradesh has been considered to be inhabited by humans since the origin of civilization. It has a rich and varied history which can be divided into several distinct eras. Prehistory and protohistoryMany evidences have been… … Wikipedia
Mesopotamia, history of — ▪ historical region, Asia Introduction history of the region in southwestern Asia where the world s earliest civilization developed. The name comes from a Greek word meaning “between rivers,” referring to the land between the Tigris and… … Universalium