- protoenstatite
- протоэнстатит, MgSiCb
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
protoenstatite — a variety of the silicate mineral enstatite (q.v.). Protoenstatite is stable only at high temperatures. * * * … Universalium
protoenstatite — pro·to·enstatite … English syllables
protoenstatite — “+ noun Etymology: German protoenstatit, from prot + enstatit enstatite : an unstable product of the decomposition of talc by heating that has the composition of enstatite and is convertible thereto especially by grinding or by heating to a high… … Useful english dictionary
enstatite — enstatitic /en steuh tit ik/, adj. /en steuh tuyt /, n. Mineral. a yellow green fibrous magnesium silicate, an orthorhombic pyroxene found in norites containing less than five percent ferrous oxide. [1855 60; < Gk enstát(es) adversary + ITE1] * * … Universalium
Pyroxene — Figure 1: A sample of pyroxenite, a rock consisting mostly of pyroxene minerals. The pyroxenes are a group of important rock forming inosilicate minerals found in many igneous and metamorphic rocks. They share a common structure consisting of… … Wikipedia
Enstatite — Infobox mineral name = Enstatite category = Silicate mineral boxwidth = boxbgcolor = imagesize = caption = formula = Mg2Si2O6 molweight = color = White, grey, green, yellow or brown colorless in thin section. habit = Lamellar, fibrous, or massive … Wikipedia
Enstatite — Enstatite[1] Catégorie IX : silicates[2] Enstatite de Birmanie … Wikipédia en Français
olivine — olivinic /ol euh vin ik/, olivinitic /ol euh vi nit ik/, adj. /ol euh veen , ol euh veen /, n. Mineral. any of a group of magnesium iron silicates, (Mg,Fe)2SiO4, occurring in olive green to gray green masses as an important constituent of basic… … Universalium
pyroxene — pyroxenic /puy rok sen ik/, adj. /puy rok seen, peuh , puy rok seen /, n. any of a very common group of minerals of many varieties, silicates of magnesium, iron, calcium, and other elements, occurring as important constituents of many kinds of… … Universalium
πρωτοενστατίτης — ο, Ν (ορυκτ.) σπάνιο πυριτικό ορυκτό τού μαγνησίου το οποίο αποτελεί ποικιλία τού ενστατίτη. [ΕΤΥΜΟΛ. Νόθο αντιδάνειο συνθ., πρβλ. αγγλ. protoenstatite < γερμ. Protoenstatit < πρωτ(ο) * + ενστατίτης*] … Dictionary of Greek