- proterosoma
- протеросома (передняя часть тела пауков Acarida)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
proterosoma — n. [Gr. proteros, before; soma, body] (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) In Acari, a combination of the gnathosoma and propodosoma; pseudotagma … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
Peltidium — is a prodorsal shield found in animals of the Subphylum Chelicerata, in the Phylum Arthropoda. In some groups (Schizomida, Palpigradi, Solpugida and Opiliones) the peltidium, also known as schizopeltid, can be subdivided in: propeltidium, a… … Wikipedia
Acari — Acari … Wikipedia Español
Acariformes — Acariformes … Wikipedia Español
prosoma — n. [Gr. pro, before; soma, body] 1. (ARTHROPODA) The anterior part of the body, usually applied to the cephalothorax. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) Fused imperceptably to the opisthosoma in Acari; see proterosoma. 3. (ARTHROPODA: Crustacea)… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
pseudotagma — n. [Gr. pseudos, false; tagma, a division] (ARTHROPODA: Chelicerata) In Acari, a region of a body division, such as gnathosoma, idiosoma, proterosoma and hysterosoma … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
ACARIENS — Homère parle des tiques (Ixodes ) à propos du chien d’Ulysse, Argos, qui en était couvert. Aristote connaissait plusieurs espèces d’Acariens: sous le nom d’Akari (qui n’est pas divisé), il décrit un parasite rouge qui pouvait être une larve de… … Encyclopédie Universelle