- prostal
- простальная спикула, просталия (у шестилучевых губок)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
prostal — n.; pl. ia [L. pro, before; stare, stand] (PORIFERA) Spicules that project from the sponge; marginal prostalia encircle the osculum; pleural prostalia are on the body surface; basal prostalia form root or anchoring spicules … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
prostal — pros·tal … English syllables
prostal — ˈprästəl noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin prostalia (plural) prostals, from pro (I) + stalia (from Latin stare to stand + alia, neuter plural of alis al) more at … Useful english dictionary