- propagule
- пропагула (минимальное число особей, необходимое для успешной колонизации пригодного для обитания острова)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
propagule — [ prɔpagyl ] n. f. • 1815; lat. mod. propagulum, de propago « bouture », de propagare « propager » ♦ Bot. Petit amas pluricellulaire chlorophyllien, élaboré par certaines bryophytes. Les propagules assurent la reproduction végétative des mousses … Encyclopédie Universelle
propagule — [präp′ə gyo͞ol΄] n. any plant organ or part, as a spore, seed or cutting, used to propagate a new plant … English World dictionary
Propagule — Propagules sur le bord d une feuille de Bryophyllum. Une propagule (du latin propagulum) est un organe de dissémination (propagation) et de reproduction. On ne parle de propagule que quand il ne s agit pas de fruits ou d individus issus de la… … Wikipédia en Français
Propagule — A propagule is any plant material used for the purpose of plant propagation. In asexual reproduction, a propagule may be a woody, semi hardwood, or softwood cutting, leaf section, or any number of other plant parts. In sexual reproduction, a… … Wikipedia
Propagule pressure — (also termed ‘introduction effort’) is a composite measure of the number of individuals of a species released into a region to which they are not native. It incorporates estimates of the absolute number of individuals involved in any one release… … Wikipedia
propagule — noun Etymology: New Latin propagulum, from Latin propages slip Date: 1858 a structure (as a cutting, a seed, or a spore) that propagates a plant … New Collegiate Dictionary
propagule — /prop euh gyoohl /, n. Bot., Mycol. any structure capable of being propagated or acting as an agent of reproduction. Also, propagulum /proh pag yeuh leuhm/. [1855 60; < NL propagulum, deriv. of propago shoot, runner; see PROPAGATE, ULE] * * * … Universalium
propagule — noun A reproductive particle released by an organism that may germinate into another … Wiktionary
propagule — (pro pa gu l ) s. m. Terme de botanique. Gemme simple pouvant reproduire un végétal. Drageon pourvu de bourgeons et susceptible de prendre racine. ÉTYMOLOGIE Propager … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
propagule — [ prɒpəgju:l] noun Botany a detachable structure that can give rise to a new plant, e.g. a bud, sucker, or spore. Origin C19: from mod. L. propagulum small shoot , dimin. of propago shoot, runner … English new terms dictionary
propagule — Any part of a plant capable of independently giving rise to a new plant, e.g. seeds, offsets, and suckers in cycads … Expanded glossary of Cycad terms