Смотреть что такое "prediluvian" в других словарях:
prediluvian — adjective before the Flood; antediluvian … Wiktionary
prediluvian — pre·diluvian … English syllables
prediluvian — |prē+ adjective Etymology: pre + Latin diluvium flood + English an more at deluge : antediluvian 1 … Useful english dictionary
Antediluvian — The word antediluvian (syn.Prediluvian) (Latin for before the deluge ) is used to describe a period of time that preceded the Great Flood of Noah as related in the Book of Genesis in the Bible. The antediluvian periodThe Bible speaks of this era… … Wikipedia
Megalithic Temples of Malta — Megalithic Temples of Malta * UNESCO World Heritage Site Country … Wikipedia
calendar — calendrical /keuh len dri keuhl/, calendric, calendarial /kal euhn dair ee euhl/, calendarian, calendaric, adj. /kal euhn deuhr/, n. 1. a table or register with the days of each month and week in a year: He marked the date on his calendar. 2. any … Universalium