- brockram
- брокрем, фангломерат
* * *• брекчия, в которой обломки состоят главным образом из каменноугольного известняка• пермская порода
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Brockram — is a type of rock found in northern England. It is a basal breccia of cemented limestone and sandstone fragments dating from the Permian period.Brockram has been used as a building material in Kirkby Stephen and the rest of the Vale of Eden where … Wikipedia
brockram — /brokˈrəm/ (N Eng) noun Breccia … Useful english dictionary
Devil's Grinding Mill — Location of Devil s Grinding Mill at grid reference NY786085 in … Wikipedia
Kirkby Stephen — infobox UK place country = England latitude= 54.4716 longitude= 2.3479 official name= Kirkby Stephen population = 1,832 shire district= Eden shire county = Cumbria region= North West England constituency westminster= Penrith and The Border post… … Wikipedia
Kirkby Stephen — Kirkby Stephen … Wikipédia en Français