- polyzoic
- полизойный (об условиях среды обитания, способствующих развитию большого разнообразия животных)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
polyzoic — adj. [Gr. polys, many; zoon, animal] (PLATYHELMINTHES: Cestoda) Strobila consisting of more than one proglottid … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
polyzoic — /pol ee zoh ik/, adj. 1. (of a bryozoan colony) composed of many zooids. 2. (of a spore) producing many sporozoites. 3. (of a habitat) containing many animals or many different kinds of animals. [1850 55; POLY + ZO + IC] * * * … Universalium
polyzoic — 1. adjective /pɒliˈzəʊ.ɪk/ a) Pertaining to polyzoa. b) Consisting of a colony of zooids or similar organisms Syn: polyzoan 2. noun /pɒliˈzəʊ.ɪk/ A … Wiktionary
polyzoic — Segmented body form, as in the higher tapeworms, subclass Cestoda. SEE ALSO: strobila, monozoic … Medical dictionary
polyzoic — poly·zo·ic … English syllables
polyzoic — /pɒliˈzoʊɪk/ (say polee zohik) adjective 1. (of a bryozoan colony) composed of many zooids. 2. (of a spore) producing many sporozoites …
polyzoic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|zōik adjective Etymology: poly + zoic 1. : composed of many zooids; especially : polyzootic 2. : producing many sporozoites 3. : containing many kinds of animals or many animals used of habitats … Useful english dictionary
flatworm — /flat werrm /, n. any worm of the phylum Platyhelminthes, having bilateral symmetry and a soft, solid, usually flattened body, including the planarians, tapeworms, and trematodes; platyhelminth. [1895 1900; FLAT1 + WORM] * * * or platyhelminth… … Universalium
religions, classification of — Introduction the attempt to systematize and bring order to a vast range of knowledge about religious beliefs, practices, and institutions. It has been the goal of students of religion for many centuries but especially so with the increased… … Universalium
polyzoary — noun /pɒliˈzəʊ.əri,pɒliˈzəʊ.əˌriːz,pɒliˈzəʊˌeəri.ə/ a) A colony of polyzoa b) The polypary of such a colony See Also: polyzoa, polyzoan, polyzoic, polyzoon … Wiktionary
polyzoon — noun /pɒliˈzəʊˌɒn/ A tiny animal that forms compound colonies. Syn: bryozoon See Also: polyzoa, polyzoan, polyzoarium, polyzoary, polyzoic … Wiktionary