- plutonist
- плутонист (последователь плутонической теории Геттона)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
plutonist — plutoníst s. m., adj. m., pl. plutoníşti; f. sg. plutonístă, pl. plutoníste Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic PLUTONÍST, Ă adj. Referitor la plutonism. // … Dicționar Român
Plutonist — Plu to*nist, n. [Cf. F. plutoniste.] One who adopts the geological theory of igneous fusion; a Plutonian. See {Plutonism}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Plutonist — Plu|to|nịst 〈m. 16〉 Anhänger der geolog. Lehre vom Plutonismus * * * Plu|to|nịst, der; en, en: Anhänger des ↑Plutonismus (2) … Universal-Lexikon
Plutonist — Plu|to|nịst 〈m.; Gen.: en, Pl.: en; Geol.〉 Anhänger des Plutonismus … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Plutonist — Plu|to|nist der; en, en <zu ↑...ist> Anhänger des Plutonismus (2) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
plutonist — plu·to·nist … English syllables
plutonist — ˈplütənə̇st noun ( s) Etymology: plutonic + ist : an adherent of the theory that the igneous rocks have solidified from magmas, some of them at great depth below the surface opposed to neptunist … Useful english dictionary
plutonism — plutonist, n. /plooht n iz euhm/, n. Geol. 1. the intrusion of magma and associated deep seated processes within the earth s crust. 2. (often cap.) the disproven theory that all rocks formed by solidification of a molten mass, promulgated by… … Universalium
Neptunism — Abraham Gottlob Werner (1749 1817), the founder of Neptunism Neptunism is a discredited and obsolete scientific theory of geology proposed by Abraham Gottlob Werner in the late 18th century that proposed rocks formed from the crystallisation of… … Wikipedia
Plutonian — Plu*to ni*an, n. (Geol.) A Plutonist. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Geologic time scale — This clock representation shows some of the major units of geological time and definitive events of Earth history. The Hadean eon represents the time before fossil record of life on Earth; its upper boundary is now regarded as 4.0 Ga.[1] Other… … Wikipedia