- pinnular
- Crin. пластинка (часть пиннулы)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
pinnular — See pinnule. * * * … Universalium
pinnular — pin·nu·lar … English syllables
pinnular — adjective see pinnula … Useful english dictionary
pinnule — pinnular /pin yeuh leuhr/, adj. /pin yoohl/, n. 1. Zool. a. a part or organ resembling a barb of a feather, a fin, or the like. b. a finlet. 2. Bot. a secondary pinna, one of the pinnately disposed divisions of a bipinnate leaf. 3. a metal plate… … Universalium
pinnule — /ˈpɪnjul/ (say pinyoohl) noun 1. Zoology a. a part or organ resembling the barb of a feather, or a fin or the like. b. → finlet. c. one of the lateral branchlets of the arms of a crinoid. 2. Botany a secondary pinna, one of the pinnately dispo …
pinnule — n. 1 the secondary division of a pinnate leaf. 2 a part or organ like a small wing or fin. Derivatives: pinnular adj. Etymology: L pinnula dimin. of pinna fin, wing … Useful english dictionary