- phi
- ф [фи]-диаметр
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Phi — (gr.), s. Ph … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
phi — phi … Dictionnaire des rimes
phi — phi·lan·der·er; phi·lan·thi·dae; phi·lan·thro·pism; phi·lan·thro·pist; phi·lan·thro·py; phi·lan·thus; phi·lat·e·list; phi·lat·e·ly; phi·li·ne; phi·lin·i·dae; phi·lip·pus; phi·lis·tia; phi·log·e·ny; phi·log·y·nous; phi·log·y·ny; phi·lo·he·la;… … English syllables
phi — [ fi ] n. m. • 1869; mot gr. ♦ Vingt et unième lettre de l alphabet grec (Φ, φ), correspondant à un p aspiré en grec ancien, à un f en grec moderne. ⊗ HOM. Fi. ● phi nom masculin Vingt et unième lettre de l alphabet grec (Φ, φ), correspondant, en … Encyclopédie Universelle
Phi — could refer to:*Phi, the Greek letter Φ,φ *The Golden ratio *Euler s totient function *Phi phenomenon *A statistical measure of association reported with the chi square test *Phi, Thai demon spirits, such as Phi Song Nang (succubi) *A function in … Wikipedia
Phi — 〈n. 15; 〉 21. Buchstabe des griech. Alphabets * * * Phi [21. Buchstabe des griech. Alphabets]: als Kleinbuchstabe φ oder ϕ: 1) Formelzeichen für Fluidität, Fugazitätskoeffizient, [inneres] elektr. Potential, Ein Elektron Wellenfunktion des… … Universal-Lexikon
phi — interj. (fam.; adesea pronunţat cu i prelungit) Exclamaţie care exprimă: a) bucurie, mulţumire, încântare; b) mirare, surpriză; dezaprobare; c) repulsie, dezgust. [var.: phiu, pi interj.] – Onomatopee. Trimis de oprocopiuc, 15.03.2004. Sursa: DEX … Dicționar Român
PHI — Protected Health Information (PHI) USA Individually Identifiable Health Information that is transmitted or maintained in electronic, written or oral form. PHI does not include employment records held by an employer. + PHI See … Law dictionary
-phi — phi·lous; phi·lus; phi·ly; … English syllables
phi — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}wykrz. {{/stl 8}}{{stl 7}} wyraz wskazujący na lekceważący stosunek do kogoś lub czegoś; też: wyrażający zdziwienie, niedowierzanie, zaskoczenie : {{/stl 7}}{{stl 10}}Phi, jaka ważna! Phi, kim on to nie jest. {{/stl 10}} … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
PHI — is a three letter acronym or abbreviation that can refer to:* Post Polio Health International * Protected Health Information as part of the HIPAA regulations * The Golden ratio * The Philippines * Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ** Philadelphia… … Wikipedia