- pericycle
- перицикл (слой клеток в корнях и стеблях)
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
péricycle — [ perisikl ] n. m. • 1882; de péri et gr. kuklos « cercle » ♦ Bot. Assise de cellules de la tige et des racines située entre l endoderme, d une part, le bois et le liber d autre part. ● péricycle nom masculin Couche unistratifiée externe du… … Encyclopédie Universelle
pericycle — [per′ə sī΄kəl] n. [Fr péricycle < Gr perikyklos, spherical < peri , around + kyklos, ring, circle: see WHEEL] the outer layer of the stele in the root and stem of most plants pericyclic [per′isī′klik, per′isik′lik] adj … English World dictionary
Pericycle — The pericycle is a cylinder of parenchyma cells that lies just inside the endodermis and is the outer most part of the stele (biology) of plants. In dicots, it also has the capacity to produce lateral roots. Branch roots arise from this primary… … Wikipedia
pericycle — noun Etymology: French péricycle, from Greek perikyklos spherical, from peri + kyklos circle more at wheel Date: circa 1892 a thin layer of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous cells that surrounds the stele in most vascular plants • pericyclic… … New Collegiate Dictionary
pericycle — Region of the plant bounded externally by the endodermis and internally by the phloem. Most roots originate from the pericycle … Glossary of Biotechnology
pericycle — ˈperə+ noun Etymology: French péricycle, from Greek perikyklos, adjective, spherical, extending all around, from peri + kyklos circle, wheel more at wheel : a layer of parenchymatous or sclerenchymatous cells from one to a few cells thick and in… … Useful english dictionary
pericycle — /per euh suy keuhl/, n. Bot. the outermost cell layer of the stele in a plant, frequently becoming a multilayered zone. [1890 95; < Gk períkyklos. See PERI , CYCLE] * * * … Universalium
pericycle — noun In a plant root, the cylinder of plant tissue between the endodermis and phloem … Wiktionary
pericycle — noun Botany a thin layer of plant tissue between the endodermis and the phloem. Derivatives pericyclic adjective Origin C19: from Gk perikuklos spherical … English new terms dictionary
pericycle — peri·cycle … English syllables
pericycle — per•i•cy•cle [[t]ˈpɛr əˌsaɪ kəl[/t]] n. bot the cell layer of the stele in a plant, bounded by the endodermis and the phloem • Etymology: 1890–95; < Gk períkyklos. See peri , cycle … From formal English to slang