- penultimate
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English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Penultimate — Pe*nul ti*mate, a. Last but one; as, the penultimate syllable, the last syllable but one of a word. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Penultimate — Pe*nul ti*mate, n. The penult. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
penultimate — (adj.) 1670s, from earlier penultima (n.) the next to the last syllable of a word or verse, from fem. of Latin adj. penultimus next to last, from paene almost + ultimus final … Etymology dictionary
penultimate — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ last but one. ORIGIN from Latin paene almost + ultimus last … English terms dictionary
penultimate — [pi nul′tə mət] adj. [< PENULT, after ULTIMATE] 1. next to the last 2. of the penult n. PENULT penultimately adv … English World dictionary
penultimate — [[t]penʌ̱ltɪmət[/t]] ADJ: det ADJ The penultimate thing in a series of things is the last but one. [FORMAL] ...on the penultimate day of the Asian Games. ...in the penultimate chapter … English dictionary
penultimate — adjective Date: 1677 1. next to the last < the penultimate chapter of a book > 2. of or relating to a penult < a penultimate accent > • penultimately adverb … New Collegiate Dictionary
penultimate — /pi nul teuh mit/, adj. 1. next to the last: the penultimate scene of the play. 2. of or pertaining to a penult. n. 3. a penult. [1670 80; see PENULT, ULTIMATE] * * * … Universalium
penultimate — 1. adjective /pɪˈnʌltɪmət/ a) Coming next to last in a sequence. But it should frequently happen that offspring should resemble its penultimate rather than its latest phase, and should thus be more like a grand parent than a parent. b) Of or… … Wiktionary
penultimate — adj. Penultimate is used with these nouns: ↑paragraph … Collocations dictionary
penultimate — pe|nul|ti|mate [peˈnʌltımıt, pə ] adj [only before noun] [Date: 1600 1700; : Latin; Origin: paenultimus, from paene almost + ultimus last ] not the last, but immediately before the last = ↑last but one →↑ultimate ▪ the penultimate chapter … Dictionary of contemporary English