- pelmatozoan
- прикреплённое иглокожее
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
pelmatozoan — pel·ma·to·zo·an … English syllables
pelmatozoan — adjective or noun see pelmatozoa … Useful english dictionary
echinoderm — /i kuy neuh derrm , ek euh neuh /, n. any marine animal of the invertebrate phylum Echinodermata, having a radiating arrangement of parts and a body wall stiffened by calcareous pieces that may protrude as spines and including the starfishes, sea … Universalium
Crinoid — Crinoids Temporal range: Ordovician Recent … Wikipedia
cystoidea — siˈstȯidēə noun plural Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from cyst + oidea : a class of Paleozoic short stemmed or stemless pelmatozoan echinoderms formerly considered an order of Crinoidea having the body commonly somewhat globular or… … Useful english dictionary