- pedogenic
- почвообразовательный; почвенный
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
pedogenic — pedogénic adj. m., pl. pedogénici; f. sg. pedogénică, pl. pedogénice Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar ortografic PEDOGÉNIC, Ă adj. produs de factori edafici. (< engl. pedogenic) … Dicționar Român
pedogenic — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷|jenik adjective Etymology: ped (II) + genic : of, relating to, or involved in soil formation pedogenic agents pedogenic processes … Useful english dictionary
pedogenic — adjective see pedogenesis II … New Collegiate Dictionary
pedogenic — adjective Pertaining to processes that add, transfer, transform, or remove soil constituents … Wiktionary
pedogenic — [ˌpɛdə(ʊ) dʒɛnɪk] adjective relating to or denoting processes occurring in soil or leading to the formation of soil … English new terms dictionary
pedogenic — ped·o·gen·ic … English syllables
Pedology (soil study) — Pedology (from Greek: πέδον, pedon , soil ; and λόγος, logos , study ) is the study of soils in their natural environment. [cite web |url = http://natres.psu.ac.th/Link/SoilCongress/bdd/symp45/75 t.pdf | title = Soil Preservation and the Future… … Wikipedia
Oxidizable carbon ratio dating — is a method of dating in archaeology and earth science that can be used to derive or estimate the age of soil and sediment samples up to 35,000 years old. The method is considered by some to be experimental, and it is not as widely used in… … Wikipedia
Seatearth — is a British coal mining term, which is used in the geological literature. As noted by Jackson (1997), a seatearth is the layer of sedimentary rock underlying a coal seam. Seatearths have also been called seat earth , seat rock , or seat stone in … Wikipedia
Duricrust — is a hard layer on or near the surface of soil. Duricrusts can range in thickness from a few millimeters or centimeters to several meters. It is a general term (not to be confused with duripan) for a zone of chemical precipitation and hardening… … Wikipedia
Bioturbation — In oceanography and limnology, bioturbation is the displacement and mixing of sediment particles by benthic fauna (animals) or flora (plants). The mediators of bioturbation are typically annelid worms (e.g. polychaetes, oligochaetes), bivalves (e … Wikipedia