- pedicellaria
- Ech. педицеллярии, щипчики
dactylous pedicellaria педицеллярии с изменчивым числом ложковидных створок
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
Pedicellaria — Ped i*cel*la ri*a, n.; pl. {Pedicellari[ae]}. [NL. See {Pedicel}.] (Zo[ o]l.) A peculiar forcepslike organ which occurs in large numbers upon starfishes and echini. Those of starfishes have two movable jaws, or blades, and are usually nearly, or… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Pedicellarĭa — Pedicellarĭa, so v.w. Zackenpolyp … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pedicellaria — Pedicellariae (sing. pedicellaria) are commonly found on Echinoderms, particularly of the class Asteroidea. They serve to keep the body surface clear of encrusting organisms, though some pedicellariae aid in food capture. Each pedicellaria is… … Wikipedia
pedicellaria — /ped euh seuh lair ee euh/, n., pl. pedicellariae / ee ee /. Zool. one of the minute pincerlike structures common to starfish and sea urchins, used for cleaning and to capture tiny prey. [1870 75; < NL; see PEDICEL, ARIA] * * * … Universalium
pedicellaria — noun A small, stalk shaped structure of the sea urchin and other echinoderms, which has three pincer like structures at the end that perform cleaning functions and serve as defense against predators … Wiktionary
pedicellaria — ped·i·cel·la·ria (ped″ĭ sə larґe ə) pl. pedicellaґriae. A modified spine with a flexible head, seen in sea urchins and related animals, used in grooming, food getting, and self defense and the principal site of venom glands … Medical dictionary
pedicellaria — pe·di·cel·là·ria s.f. TS bot. nel tegumento degli Echinodermi, ciascuna delle appendici scheletriche peduncolate che catturano e trattengono, tramite una pinza posta alle estremità, altri corpi e organismi {{line}} {{/line}} DATA: 1932. ETIMO:… … Dizionario italiano
pedicellaria — pl.f. pedicellarie … Dizionario dei sinonimi e contrari
pedicellaria — ped·i·cel·lar·ia … English syllables
pedicellaria — … Useful english dictionary
Pedicellariae — Pedicellaria Ped i*cel*la ri*a, n.; pl. {Pedicellari[ae]}. [NL. See {Pedicel}.] (Zo[ o]l.) A peculiar forcepslike organ which occurs in large numbers upon starfishes and echini. Those of starfishes have two movable jaws, or blades, and are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English