- paleogeophysics
- палеогеофизика
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
English-Russian dictionary of geology. 2011.
paleogeophysics — paleogeophysical, adj. paleogeophysically, adv. paleogeophysicist, n. /pay lee oh jee oh fiz iks/; esp. Brit. /pal ee /, n. 1. (used with a plural v.) inferred geophysical conditions or processes of designated periods of the geologic past. 2.… … Universalium
paleogeophysics — paleogeophysical, adj. paleogeophysically, adv. paleogeophysicist, n. /pay lee oh jee oh fiz iks/; esp. Brit. /pal ee /, n. 1. (used with a plural v.) inferred geophysical conditions or processes of designated periods of the geologic past. 2.… … Useful english dictionary
Nils-Axel Mörner — Nils Axel Mörner, born 1938, is the former head of the Paleogeophysics and Geodynamics department at Stockholm University. He retired in 2005.[1] He was president of the International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA) Commission on… … Wikipedia
paleogeofizic — PALEOGEOFÍZIC, Ă, paleogeofizici, ce, s.f., adj. 1. s.f. Ramură a geofizicii (geofizică) care studiază structura şi proprietăţile fizice ale globului terestru în trecutul geologic. 2. adj. Referitor la paleogeofizică (1). [pr.: le o ge o ] – Din… … Dicționar Român
pa|le|o|ge|o|phys|i|cal — «PAY lee oh JEE oh FIHZ uh kuhl, PAL ee », adjective. of or having to do with paleogeophysics … Useful english dictionary